May 20, 2016

Could not add user to DBS os group or TNS:no listner


While starting the database getting error :

usr not in DBA os group 

TNS:no listner


Determine whether these groups and users already exist, and if necessary, to create them, follow these steps:

   1. To determine whether the oinstall group exists, enter the following command:

      # more /etc/oraInst.loc

      If the output of this command shows the oinstall group name, then the group already exists.

      If the oraInst.loc file exists, then the output from this command is similar to the following:


      The inst_group parameter shows the name of the Oracle Inventory group, oinstall.

   2. To determine whether the dba group exists, enter the following command:

      # grep dba /etc/group

      If the output from this commands shows the dba group name, then the group already exists.

   3. If necessary, enter the following commands to create the oinstall and dba groups:

      # /usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall
      # /usr/sbin/groupadd dba

   4. To determine whether the oracle user exists and belongs to the correct groups, enter the following command:

      # id oracle

      If the oracle user exists, then this command displays information about the groups to which the user belongs. The output should be similar to the following, indicating that oinstall is the primary group and dba is a secondary group:

      uid=440(oracle) gid=200(oinstall) groups=201(dba),202(oper)

   5. If necessary, complete one of the following actions:

          * If the oracle user exists, but its primary group is not oinstall or it is not a member of the dba group, then enter the following command:

              # /usr/sbin/usermod -g oinstall -G dba oracle

          * If the oracle user does not exist, enter the following command to create it:

              # /usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle

            This command creates the oracle user and specifies oinstall as the primary group and dba as the secondary group.

   6. Enter the following command to set the password of the oracle user:

      # passwd oracle

AssemblerTools : No node found at path: [pages/]


Unable to retrieve site definition for site id: /: No node found at path: [pages/]


Oracle Commerce Platform - Version 10.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Above problem occurs when there is a mismatch bewteen site id in endeca app and Site Id of store front.


Follow below steps to get rid of this problem :
  1. Navigate to <Endeca_installation_path>/apps/<project_app>/config/import/pages.
  2. Ediit _.json file present.
  3. Check defaultSiteId property and match with Site Id in Store Front.
  4. You can check Site Id of store in BCC or through ACC.
  5. Match both ids and restart endeca services.

Not able to access User / Profile Repository in ACC

Error unexpected block data


Oracle Commerce Platform - Version 9.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This error is because your particular Repository in ACC is not able to find particular class to load the properties of the xml.

e.g when you click on Users or Orders in ACC, above error appears in front of you.


So the solution is , find out if there are any external classes used for your repository. In my case pci encryption was used to encrypt password in UserProfile.xml and ACC was not able to locate that class when loading the particular repository.

So Add following lines in pci encryption module :

Go to encryption module MANIFEST.MF file

Add line ATG-Client-Class-Path: bin/ config/config.jar lib/classes.jar

Build project wit ANT and restart the server.


May 19, 2016

How to migrate Production / Stage Endeca App to Local Environemnt ?

Data Migration Needs

As per ATG-Endeca Integration, All product catalog data gets stored in Endeca CAS record store during baseline process. Sometimes, these data needs to be migrated from Production to UAT or UAT to Dev.


Oracle Commerce Platform - Version 10.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Export Data from Environment - Production

1. Identify record store names to be migrated.

Navigate to CAS Installation directory and list the record stores
/CAS/<>/bin->./ list-components

2. Identify if there are any active-transactions or not

./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_dimvals
./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_data
./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_schema

3. Fetch the current record store configuration


./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_dimvals -f CRS_en_dimvals.xml
./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_data -f CRS_en_data.xml
./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_schema -f CRS_en_schema.xml

4. Read data from record store and write into XML files

./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_dimvals -f data_CRS_en_dimvals.xml
./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_schema -f data_CRS_en_schema.xml
./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_data -f data_CRS_en_data.xml

Import Data with schema to enviornment -UAT

1. Set the CAS record Store Configuration using step 3 during import process

recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_dimvals -f CRS_en_dimvals.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_schema -f CRS_en_schema.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_data -f CRS_en_data.xml

2. Use step 4 data and write record into record store 
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_dimvals -f data_CRS_en_dimvals.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_schema -f data_CRS_en_schema.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_data -f data_CRS_en_data.xml

Note :- CRS_en_schema is not used for CAS based Indexing after 11.1 version.