Showing posts with label cas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cas. Show all posts

Jul 27, 2016

SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'


Getting following error during ./

Error : 


8| Dgidx.cleanDirs();
10| // run crawl and archive any changes in dvalId mappings
11| CAS.runBaselineCasCrawl("CBS-last-mile-crawl");
12| CAS.archiveDvalIdMappingsForCrawlIfChanged("CBS-last-mile-crawl");
14| // archive logs and run the indexer


[05.14.16 07:48:39] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.

Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.CasCommunicationException
com.endeca.eac.toolkit.component.cas.ContentAcquisitionServerComponent startBaselineCasCrawl - Error starting baseline crawl 'CBS-last-mile-crawl'.
Caused by com.endeca.cas.wsdl.CrawlNotFoundFault
sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl newInstance0 - null

[05.14.16 07:48:39] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.


Oracle Commerce Platform - Version 10.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Dimension Values are not rightly configured and imported into CAS components. Which results with above error during execution of on endeca APP.


Note:  Exercise caution when directly modifying the versioned database schema.  For assistance identifying this problem and implementing the solution, please open an SR with Oracle Support.

1. Follow the steps in sequence

  • Check you have Crawler available at http://localhost:8500 with the same name. e.g. <app>-last-mile-crawl.
  • Generally this error occurs if you haven't initialized services.
  • After deploying application to specified folder with help of deploy.xml
  • Make sure you have <app>-data.xml and <app>-dimvals.xml available at location /test_data/basline folder.
  • Goto application_directory/control and execute
    1. ./
    2. ./
    3. execute
    4. ./
  • Your issue will be resolved.

May 19, 2016

How to migrate Production / Stage Endeca App to Local Environemnt ?

Data Migration Needs

As per ATG-Endeca Integration, All product catalog data gets stored in Endeca CAS record store during baseline process. Sometimes, these data needs to be migrated from Production to UAT or UAT to Dev.


Oracle Commerce Platform - Version 10.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Export Data from Environment - Production

1. Identify record store names to be migrated.

Navigate to CAS Installation directory and list the record stores
/CAS/<>/bin->./ list-components

2. Identify if there are any active-transactions or not

./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_dimvals
./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_data
./ list-active-transactions -a CRS_en_schema

3. Fetch the current record store configuration


./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_dimvals -f CRS_en_dimvals.xml
./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_data -f CRS_en_data.xml
./ get-configuration -a CRS_en_schema -f CRS_en_schema.xml

4. Read data from record store and write into XML files

./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_dimvals -f data_CRS_en_dimvals.xml
./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_schema -f data_CRS_en_schema.xml
./ read-baseline -a CRS_en_data -f data_CRS_en_data.xml

Import Data with schema to enviornment -UAT

1. Set the CAS record Store Configuration using step 3 during import process

recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_dimvals -f CRS_en_dimvals.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_schema -f CRS_en_schema.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat set-configuration -a CRS_en_data -f CRS_en_data.xml

2. Use step 4 data and write record into record store 
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_dimvals -f data_CRS_en_dimvals.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_schema -f data_CRS_en_schema.xml
recordstore-cmd.bat write -a CRS_en_data -f data_CRS_en_data.xml

Note :- CRS_en_schema is not used for CAS based Indexing after 11.1 version.